Net Fulfillment v. Net Worth (with Bill Perkins)


Would you consider yourself a success if you died with $1 million? How about $10 million? Well, what if you died with $0.00?  In his new book, Die With Zero: Getting All you Can from Your Money and Your Life, Bill Perkins challenges you to flout conventional wisdom and spend your money not just before you’re dead, but while you’re still young enough to enjoy it.

That’s right, instead of maximizing your net worth at death, he wants you to die having lived a life rich in experiences that your hard-earned money made possible. And he’s not saying you should blow it all on parties or ignore the needs of your kids or charities. He’s just saying that the time to decide how to best invest, spend, gift, or bequeath your fortune--big or small--is while you are still on this side of the dirt and still mobile enough to enjoy it.

After all, travel is no fun when you’re too infirm to explore and savor the local culture. So dither not!  There will be plenty of time to watch Family Feud and The Price is Right when you’re 87 and stuck in your recliner.  

Called “the last cowboy” by The Wall Street Journal, Bill Perkins is one of the world’s most successful hedge fund managers and entrepreneurs. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Iowa, Bill worked on Wall Street then moved to Houston where he made a fortune as an energy trader.

He is currently CEO of BrisaMax Holdings, a consulting services firm based in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Now 51 years-old, Bill views his career as an engine for personal growth and spends his time exploring the world, savoring his relationships, and taking in all that life has to offer.  Read more about Bill and the book at

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